Wednesday, March 5, 2008


Today Gary Gygax has passed away. He died of due to an inoperable abdominal aneurysm . But people like Earnest Gary Gygax don't just pass away. A man of his stature does not fade unnoticed into the obituaries. And though he was never truly famous (in a Hollywood sense) during his life, the whole world took notice of his passing.

Gary Gygax was like a St. Nicholas of our era, but he came around all year giving us toys for our imagination. In his unique way he helped so many of us guide ourselves through the solemn labyrinth of our real lives by teaching us to take a step, to take the time to take it all in, and be ok with ourselves, and to get together with others like us, often with people who we did not think were like us to begin with.

Mr. Gygax was someone I looked up to. Someone with such conviction for his passion he made it a reality. I wished I could've met him and asked him how he did it. From outside it seemed he must've been a jovial and clever fellow who took it easy. I have no doubt he worked damn hard at it, but he made it look easy. What I really wish though is that I could've met him like I always imagined I would and simply thank him for all the portals and paths that sprawl in front of me, for all the gifts that came of the creative flame he helped sparked in me. I never imagined actually being able to play a session of an RPG with him, but from what I've heard from other people it wouldn't of been out of the question, even as the stranger I am.

I hope perhaps his family will read this, but it's not important that they do because by now they must have some idea just how great an impact this Titan among men had. The outpouring I witnessed all over the internet, forum to forum to forum, MMO to MMO. People everywhere were saying "We miss this man. We will cherish his work. We will cherish his legacy."

Thank you Mr. Gygax, for all you've given me. I didn't have the chance to meet you, but I see you everywhere.

Rest Hero, You Shall Be Needed Once More
Ernest Gary Gygax (1938-2008)

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