Sunday, March 23, 2008

3ED Tomb of Horrors in GG's honor

**If you haven't been through Tomb of Horrors, beware as this has some spoilers in it (but not many)**
The one off went rather well. I was impressed that they managed to cover 35-40% of the map. I was also impressed that there was no grumbling about rolling a straight 3d6 without even assigning the stats for themselves, they tend to be whiny at times (massive understatement) so I was expecting an outrage. My group felt emboldened to certain extent due to the fact that they all had rather low statted characters (relative to our norm 4d6 drop lowest), they had (9th level): a dwarvish rogue (w/a 4 str), dwarvish fighter, human paladin (10 str, w/6 dex), and a halfing rogue.

The ball got rolling fast, they narrowly avoided death in the first false entrance (dead fall, false door) but really took a huge amount of damage, the dwarven rogue nearly dying from massive damage. They then (eventually!) found the true entrance and cleared it out, oblivious and uncaring of the obvious painted on secret door! They did however manage to find and spike closed all of the pit traps save one. At the end of the tunnel the dwarven rogue, and the paladin tossed a few items in carved demon face's mouth, certain that it was a passage enchanted with a darkness spell and perhaps a silence spell.

The only thing that stopped our dear dwarven rogue from losing his hand which he was about to put in was the impatience of his fellow party member who decided to ignore the demon face and run right through the archway filled with swirling mist. (the mouth of the demon face is not an entrance but a secured in place Sphere of Annhilation)

(grrr gtg for now but will finish post later!)

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